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  1. What line of business is your company involved in?
  2. Who are your clients?
  3. What is the purpose of this evaluation?
  4. I do not recall the agent or broker mentioning this evaluation before and I have not heard of your company.
  5. Do I need to be home for this evaluation?
  6. How long will this evaluation take?
  7. Can I receive a copy of the report?

1.  What line of business is your company involved in?
Our company provides underwriting services to the general insurance industry.

2.  Who are your clients?
Our company provides services to insurance companies and insurance brokers.

3.  What is the purpose of this evaluation?
Evaluations are either conducted on new policies or used to update information on existing policies.

4.  I do not recall the agent or broker mentioning this evaluation before and I have not heard of your company. 
These evaluations are actually quite common and typically you should have been previously advised of this.

5.  Do I need to be home for this evaluation?
This depends on the type of evaluation.  You do not need to be present for the exterior section of the evaluation.  For all other sections of the evaluation, your cooperation and time is greatly appreciated.

6.  How long will this evaluation take?
This depends on both the home and the type of evaluation.  The amount of time required to complete the exterior section range from a minimum of 15 minutes to more than an hour.  For reports in which interior information is required, an additional 15 minutes to an hour will be required.  

7.  Can I receive a copy of the report?
The report is sent back to your insurance company and they will advise you of the results of our evaluation.

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Last Updated - August 8, 2001